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SESI Secures First Waiver For Reuse of Historic Fill
September 27, 2016

Today, property owners in the NJ Meadowlands region must consider potential hazards that may be hidden in the ground as a result of unregulated filling that occurred as far back as the early 1900s that is now referred to as Historic Fill. Recently, because of its experience and reputation, SESI was retained to work on the environmental challenges of one of these sites in the NJ Meadowlands District. The site was entered in the NJDEP's Site Remediation Program (SRP) because of the contaminated historic fill.
The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC), under the NJSEA, has regulations in place that allow only clean fill to be placed on land in their jurisdiction.
SESI prepared a Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) for the management of the historic fill. The RAWP included a protocol for accepting alternative fill in accordance with the NJDEP Fill Material Guidance for SRP Sites (April 2015, Version 3.0). We used SRP sampling and analyses protocols to generate the chemical profile of the existing historic fill. The RAWP was structured to include an operational protocol for receipt of alternative fill material that contains contaminants at levels above the NJDEP standards and meets the Guidance's like-on-like and 75th percentile acceptance criteria. That protocol included the sampling frequency, supervising the transport operations at the source and at the site, and reporting. The RAWP was submitted to the NJMC with a request for a waiver from their clean fill requirements. SESI worked closely with NJMC and addressed all of their concerns regarding the impact of the alternative fill to human health and the environment including impacts to groundwater. The NJMC issued a waiver and allowed the import of the alternative fill to the site. This was the first waiver of this kind to be issued by the NJMC.
For more information, contact SESI at (973) 808-9050