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SESI Secures COCs For Two Project Sites
March 27, 2015

When remediating contaminated sites in New York State's Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP), developers are faced with the challenge of securing a Certificate of Completion (COC) for their projects. This can be especially difficult when faced with extensive regulations and tight deadlines.
"It comes down to an experienced team, comprehensive understanding of the latest regulations, and timing." Says Michael St. Pierre, PE of SESI's Geotechnical & Environmental Group.
SESI, in December 2014, secured Certificate's of Completion (COCs) for both the The Concord Resort site in the Town of Thompson, NY and the AC Dutton Lumber Yard in Poughkeepsie, NY. Significant challenges to complete the work for COC in 2014 were overcome by the contractor, owner and SESI working together as a cohesive team.
This 22.5 ac. project site adjacent to Kiamesha Lake in the Town of Thompson, NY, was the home of the former Concord Hotel and Resort. The Site was accepted into the Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) in 2005. The cleanup work started in 2006, was stopped in 2008 due to the economy, and restarted in 2014. Soil and groundwater contamination included metals, petroleum products, Freon, and PCB's. SESI prepared the Remedial Investigation Work Plan (RIWP), performed the Remedial Investigation (RI), prepared the Remedial Investigation Report (RIR) and prepared the Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP). SESI provided fulltime oversight during the remediation process, including demolition, SWPPP, soils and groundwater sampling, well installation, fill import, UST removal, transformer removal, and site capping.
SESI completed the Final Engineering Report (FER) and Site Management Plan (SMP) in an extremely tight timeframe. The cleanup work and site capping was completed in November 2014 and the Certificate of Completion was obtained from the NYSDEC in December 2014. The project site now has site plan approval for a hotel and convention center. SESI also provided geotechnical and civil/site plan services for the project.
"SESI completed our project on a condensed schedule with exceptional service. I would definitely recommend them for all environmental, geotechnical and civil work." Kevin McManus, Concord Associates
The O'Neill Group has completed the cleanup of the former A.C. Dutton Lumber Yard clearing the way for development of this waterfront site. The cleanup that comenced about five years ago, involved the demolition of six buildings and removal of two underground bulk storage tanks and five above ground tanks that once contained chemicals and petroleum. Additional onsite soil contamination associated with the former lumber yard was removed from the site.
SESI Consulting Engineers came on board as the Environmental Engineer of Record, after remediation had commenced, to provide environmental oversight during the site capping, import of fill materials and groundwater monitoring. SESI worked closely with the developer and the NYSDEC to get the Final Engineering Report and the Site Management Plan completed and approved in an extremely short timeframe in order to obtain the Certificate of Completion (COC) before the end of the year. In December 2014, SESI's Environmental Group secured the COC on behalf of O'Neill GroupAC/Dutton.
The developer plans to construct 384 residential units and 12,000 square feet of commercial space on the site. The site is zoned under the classification "waterfront" in the city, which allows for restrictedresidential use.
SESI is also providing geotechnical engineering services for the project which includes dynamic compaction and surcharge to allow for the buildings to be constructed on spread footings.
"SESI provided great service and completed the project on schedule. I would definitely recommend them for future work" Fin O'Neill, O'Neill Group
For more information, contact Michael St. Pierre, PE at: 973-808-9050.
*Information based on regulations as of 3/27/2015